A banking court on Tuesday sent Anwar Majeed, Chairman Omni Group and his son Abdul Ghani Majeed to jail on judicial remand in a money laundering case. When the court resumed the hearing of the money laundering case, the counsel for accused prayed the court to send his clients to hospital rather than the jail due to their precarious health conditions.
Abdul Ghani Majeed is suffering from internal bleeding, so he needs medical treatment and should be sent to the hospital in view of his bad health, the counsel pleaded. However, the court didn't accept the plea of the accused and ordered to send the accused to jail for judicial remand.
At the onset, the court inquired about the investigation officer of Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) in the money laundering case. "The investigation officer is busy in Islamabad, who would be represented by his assistant investigation officer in this case," the FIA's prosecutor told the court.
The FIA's prosecutor requested the court to send the accused on judicial remand after the investigations agency has completed the interrogation into this particular case.
The FIA' prosecutor opposed the plea of accused for sending them to hospital and said that FIA has nothing to do with it as jail authorities would look into this issue.
"We have to give the decision about the custody of the accused," the court observed and ordered to send them to jail for judicial remand by putting off the hearing of the case till September 4.