A number of 18 million e-challans have been issued through Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB)'s e-Ticketing System developed for National Highway and Motorway Police (NHMP) collecting a sum of Rs 8.2 billion, which has improved the efficiency of the challan process and facilitated the commuters by paying their fines at the spot without wasting their time to deposit the fine at banks or to visit traffic office to get their documents.
Dr Umar Saif, founding Vice Chancellor of Information Technology University (ITU) Punjab and Chairman PITB was briefed during a progress review meeting here on Tuesday.
The meeting was informed that National Highways and Motorways Police Ticketing System has reported 573 devices registered while officers registered as users are 2,584 and helps extended by NHMP to 1,134,340 persons. The approximate daily average challans are 31,000.
Dr Umar Saif said that the result oriented system developed through technology by the PITB has shown acceptance by the public at large and it has established transparency in the traffic ticketing process as well as it has eliminated the chances of bribe and corruption.
The e-Ticketing system was now operational across Pakistan and being implemented by the NHMP after necessary training of the respective officials at PITB, which has also reduced the number of traffic violations and a reduction of 44% has been noticed in traffic accidents in 2017, he added.
The e-Ticketing App has been improved and additional features have been incorporated in the system, which include Officers helping with Pictures Module, Accident tagging with Pictures Module and Fine Reconciliation.
NHMP with the help of PITB has already made 63 out of 64 beats completely paperless. PITB is also developing App PASBAN, a public application for NHMP and assisting in automation of HR System of the organization.
The technology oriented device was developed in June 2015 and its first trial was conducted in August 2015 and after further necessary improvements in the system now it is operative all over the country.
The system data also collects details of the vehicles, accidents, date of the incident, habitual violators, real time location of time stamp, accident analysis, causes and the person involved, which is a big leap ahead through technology.