University of Wah: vice chancellor highlights achievements

14 Sep, 2018

Eleventh Academic Council Meeting of the University of Wah was held recently. Prof Khaliq ur Rehman Shad SI (M), Vice Chancellor University of Wah, chaired the meeting. Principal Officers, Deans, Directors and senior faculty members attended the meeting.
The VC gave a brief account of major achievements in the university since the last Academic Council Meeting including launch of Campus FM radio station, acquisition of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System certification and successful conduct of the fourth Multi-disciplinary Student Research International Conference 2018.
He also gratefully acknowledged the gift of high precision research equipment for Department of Biosciences from Alexander Von Humboldt (AVH) Foundation, Germany.
Multiple decisions were taken including regularization of anticipatory approvals of Vision / Missions of Faculty of Engineering, recommendations of 7th Board of Advanced Studies and Research (BASR), recommendations of Faculty of Engineering and launch of Advanced Diploma in Clinical Psychology.
In his concluding remarks, the Vice Chancellor appreciated the efforts of all concerned in achieving rapid academic and infrastructural growth of the university.-PR

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