Sindh to have Information Commission soon: adviser

14 Sep, 2018

Journalists as profusion a responsibility which needs honesty and transparency and to face criticism is a way for government to right path. Advisor to Chief Minister Sindh for Information Barrister Murtaza Wahab expressed his views as a chief guest at the event of CPNE's Meet-the-Editors.
He said, "Right to know is a basic right on world level. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Shaheed added in constitution 1973". He said the government of Sindh is bringing sooner Information Commission in which every citizen would have right to information.
He said, "As a responsible citizen every journalist should not get any hurdle to perform his duties and there must be journalism as a practice of theory of social responsibility to present development activities and amenity planning scheme of the government is an ethical duty of the media and to indicate negligence of the government is journalistic distinguish.
A new advertisement policy is being brought into uniform distributions which eliminate mall-practising in advertisement. In this connection under the directives of Chairman PPP Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, this matter will be solved sooner and now all advertisements will be published in transparent way and out standing dues would be paid.
All the members of the CPNE thanked Advisor and appreciated his efforts to solve issues of the media industry. Secretary Information Abdul Rasheed Solangi and all other officers of Information department attended this meeting.-PR

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