Partly Facetious: Congenital liar?

14 Sep, 2018

"The Chief Justice has issued a final warning to those who are mocking the fund-raising call for building dams."
"Well, let's call a spade a spade. People only began mocking the fund-raising call after the Prime Minister addressed overseas Pakistanis requesting a 1000 dollar donation from each..."
"Ah, so this too has become a partisan issue you reckon."
"Indeed, in this country every decision that the government of the day takes becomes a partisan issue..."
"So in this country I guess what is good for the goose is certainly not good for the gander. Or in this instance, the ridicule is for The Khan and not for the Chief Justice."
"Right, the Chief Justice can haul any one for contempt, but The Khan cannot..."
"The Khan can take other measures now that he is the Prime Minister... Do you recall Banana Man's Law which was to make anyone saying/writing anything on the social media against his party leader punishable under the law..."
"Banana Man?"
"I guess that epithet is very dated, anyway I meant Rehman Malik, remember Zulfikar Mirza accused him of being a congenital liar and that if he was eating an apple and he was asked on the phone what he was eating he would say banana."
"Yes I remember."
"And then there was the Nawaz Sharif gang who passed a cyber crime law and Daniyal Aziz held a press conference saying that since The Khan was defaming Nawaz Sharif the government could try him..."
"Yes I remember. But you have to admit social media is kind of on auto pilot..."
"Indeed, but if The Khan had not jumped in..."
"Correct, no one was making any comment about the call for donations by the Chief Justice."
"I love this country - we make even request for donations for projects that are critical for this country's future controversial."

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