Bahria university donates Rs 2.7 million for dams

14 Sep, 2018

Recognizing the national responsibility, the employees of Bahria University contributed one-day salary, amounting to Rs2.7 million, in Supreme Court of Pakistan Diamer-Bhasha and Mohmand Dam Fund. The university's administration said that they are pleased to donate to this national cause, which is essential for the survival of people and economy of Pakistan. Construction of dam will go a long way to overcome the acute shortage of irrigation water besides generation of hydropower, which will lead in expansion of economic activities in the country.
Rector Bahria University, Vice Admiral Muhammad Shafiq HI (M) (retd) said that the strategic plan of Bahria University, prepared in line with the Vision 2025 of HEC, supports fight against socio-economic issues of the country including water crisis and environmental degradation.
He further added that dams are the need of hour and should be constructed on war-footings at all possible/feasible locations on the country. Scarcity of Water shall pose one of the most dangerous threats to Pakistan's National Security in years ahead if the issue is not addressed today.-PR

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