National Assembly deputy speaker for cementing ties with Japan

14 Sep, 2018

Deputy Speaker National Assembly Muhammad Qasim Khan Suri has said that Pakistan values high to its relations with Japan and wants to further cement existing relations through enhance parliamentary and economic cooperation. He expressed these views while talking to Ambassador of Japan Takashi Kurai who called on him here at the Parliament House on Thursday, said a press release.
The deputy speaker welcomed the ambassador and said Pakistan and Japan enjoyed decades' long friendly relations. He said incumbent government in Pakistan wanted to work closely with Japan to expand bilateral cooperation in all areas particularly in trade, investment, economic and human development.
He appreciated the assistance of Japan in economic and social sectors in Pakistan. He said that present elimination of poverty, unemployment, backwardness, corruption and lessen burden foreign debt was the top priority of the incumbent government. He said that assistance of friendly countries needed to accomplish social and economic agenda of the government. He said that Japanese nation is resilient nation and after 2nd World War combated difficult circumstances steadfastly.
He said Balochistan was economic gateway of Pakistan and opulent with natural resources. He said that ample opportunities of investment exist in Balochistan from which Japanese investors can be benefited and asked the Ambassador to persuade the Japanese investors to take advantage from these opportunities.
He said scarcity of water was a big problem in Balochistan at present and Japan should come forward to resolve that problem which would be a token of goodwill to the people of Balochistan. He said human resource development was top priority of the government and sought the support in education sectors and vocational training. He also expressed grief and sorrow over the losses of precious and properties lives in recent earthquake in Japan.
Takashi Kurai appreciating the sentiments of the deputy speaker regarding Japan he said that his government also desired to work closely with Pakistan. He congratulated him on assuming the office of deputy speaker. He said Japan and Pakistan had a long history of economic and development cooperation and his government wanted to strengthen the bilateral relations.-PR

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