NA speaker vows to seek jobs for youths in MNCs

16 Sep, 2018

Speaker National Assembly Asad Qaiser has said he will utilize all his energies and efforts to ensure jobs for Pakistani youth in the international and multinational companies working in Pakistan.
"I will take up this issue of unemployed youth with the leaders of the other political parties in the National Assembly as well as with the MNAs who are related to the business or industry to form a comprehensive plan for employment of the youth," he said, talking to the Chief Executive of Huawei Pakistan, Saif Chi, who called on him at the Speaker House, her on Saturday. Former Ambassador of People's Republic of China Zhang Chunxiang was also present on the occasion.
Asad Qaiser urged Huawei's chief executive to create a comprehensive plan for jobs in his company.
"We will also welcome all other companies to support us in this regard. It is mission of my life to provide jobs to the unemployed youth of Pakistan," he said, adding that every Pakistani is talented and the youth is determined to put Pakistan on the path of development. He emphasised that apart from government jobs, we will have to contribute to arrange private jobs as well. He said that Pakistan's youth is proficient and patriot in all respects. He said they meet every international expedition. All over the world, Pakistani youth have highlighted their country's name in every field.
The speaker said that the youth have a passion for doing something for the sake of the country and their hearts are filled with nationalism but they become unhappy due to not having proper jobs,. "To bring them to the right direction, we will have to contribute and arrange government and private jobs for them," he said.
Asad Qaiser said that there were some errors and defects in the Islamabad Safe City project and the government wants to remove them after consultation with the concerned authorities for safe and secure capital city.
"Completion of CPEC project will be a milestone in Pakistan's development and prosperity. I am ready to go to every extent for completion of this project," he committed.
Chief Executive of Huawei Pakistan, Saif Chi said that the company is ready to play every possible role for technology promotion and job creation in Pakistan. He further said the company would not only provide jobs to Pakistani youth and skilled employees but would also train them in Pakistan and abroad. He assured the speaker to take all possible measures to overcome all kinds of defects in Islamabad Safe City project.

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