Strategie Grains cuts EU maize outlook

16 Sep, 2018

Consultancy Strategie Grains cut its outlook for grain maize production in the European Union by nearly 5 percent as crop conditions continued to deteriorate over the summer due to hot and dry weather in France and central Europe.
In a report published on Thursday, the French-based firm estimated this year's grain maize crop in the 28-member bloc at 58.4 million tonnes, down from 61.3 million pegged last month and 59.3 million harvested last year.
"Yield potentials have deteriorated significantly again in France, Germany, Poland and central Europe, due to this summer's hot, dry weather. These unfavourable conditions will ultimately take a heavy toll on the EU's grain maize harvests," Strategie Grains said in a report.
France on Tuesday cut its estimate for the spring crop by 400,000 tonnes to take account of this summer's weather.
In contrast, the outlook for grain maize yields remained excellent major producers in Romania, Bulgaria and Italy, Strategie Grains said.
Drought and heatwaves since late spring have withered crops in northern Europe, fuelling concern about tightening grain supplies and sending Paris wheat futures to their highest in over five years.

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