Punjab chief minister Sardar Usman Buzdar Tuesday said that local bodies' institutions will be strengthened and made fully functional through devolution of powers and authority at the grassroots level so that problems of the people could be solved at their doorsteps. "This would provide the people necessary relief as the agenda of PTI government is to provide facilities to the general public along with timely solution of their problems," he said.
In a statement issued, here today, the chief minister said that PTI is going to introduce a new local bodies system through consultations and it would provide necessary relief to the people. "There is no room for outdated local bodies system in the new Pakistan as the present system has failed to solve the problems of the masses," he said, adding: "The PTI government will vest authority to the local bodies' representatives and a system of check and balance will also be put in place."
He said the representatives of the people will be answerable to the people as the focus of new system is general public and their problems will be timely solved. The new local bodies system will put an end to the outdated status quo and would greatly help resolve the problems of the people of deprived areas, he said.
The CM said the new system would depict the desires and aspirations of the people. Following the agenda of PM Imran Khan, a system of check and balance will also be introduced in the local bodies to ensure complete transparency in the new system.
Moreover, the chief minister has directed to immediately improve the flow of traffic in different areas of the Lahore City. The traffic officials should take organized steps to ensure flow of traffic by personally visiting different areas. He said the traffic system should be improved and a report be submitted to the office of chief minister as solving the problems of the citizens is the duty of traffic officials.
The CM has also expressed a deep sense of sorrow and grief over the deaths of former Justice Tanzil-ur-Rehman, former Chairman Council of Islamic Ideology and Zaheer-ud-Din Babar, chairman Star Asia News. In his condolence messages, the chief minister prayed that may Almighty Allah rest the departed souls in eternal peace and grant courage to the bereaved families to bear the loss with equanimity.