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Partly Facetious.; Imran should be given enough rope

02 Oct, 2018

"Zardari sahib reckons that Imran Khan should be given enough rope and he will hang himself."
"And Zardari sahib was right about his bid, or shall we say his son's bid for the prime ministership of this country in 2018! And he was right about his party's bid to form the government in 2013? And..."
"Right, he is not a magician, as Imran Khan's third wife said about the Khan..."
"So when was Zardari sahib right?"
"That's easy: he was mostly right from 2008 to 2013!"
"It's easy to be right when in power."
"True, anyway I heard he shared these views with Nawaz Sharif who also agreed, and Maryam Nawaz was there as well and..."
"And when last did Nawaz Sharif take decisions in his own interests leave alone that of the country?"
"Every time he and his daughter addressed party workers don't forget the crowds were impressive and..."
"And when the party left power then what happened to the crowds! Anyway the two are very quiet - Nawaz Sharif perhaps not as uncharacteristically as his daughter and... has a deal been struck?"
"So say the party stalwarts... but then shouldn't The Khan also beware of the time when he is not in power!"
"The Khan is like Erdogan, if anyone dares dismiss his government before the five years are up crowds would gather in all major cities..."
"The Khan's third wife said she appreciates Erdogan above all others..."
"Yes I know, for his religious sentiments, but don't forget Erdogan amended the constitution through a referendum to give himself sweeping powers and there are many in jail who disagree with him, and the numbers are in hundreds of thousands, some are being put in jail for insulting Erdogan and..."
"Hey back off, as long as his religious credentials are impeccable..."
"Hmmm, anyway what do you reckon? Will The Khan be able to do a magic trick and sort out our problems?"
"The Khan is an honest man and he is focused on making a difference but he is not a process man, he doesn't know how to get what he wants to achieve for the nation, as well as who to appoint where to get what he wants for the nation."
"Ah yes, indeed there is that small matter but I for one am no longer a fan - the supplementary budget shows another non-economist in the position with an arrogance to match Dar's!"
"But that is a work in progress..."
"Right, but the honeymoon period is almost over so any further progress as you will cut into the vote bank of The Khan."

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