Partly Facetious : The 'D' chowk under focus

24 Oct, 2018

"Islamabad D chowk is occupied, so I had to take the longer route and..."
"What goes around comes around, hunh!"
"Indeed, so the strikes/protests have begun and the location is chosen to cause maximum inconvenience to those in government and in Islamabad that means D chowk. And no one knows that better than the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf."
"Hey, it's different if you are the leader of a party and when you are the prime minister. I mean as the leader of the party you gotta suffer traffic jams but as the prime minister you can take a 55 rupee per flight helicopter..."
"Yep, what goes around comes around, and in more ways than one - the PTI came with guns blazing, but luckily for them they didn't have to look for the begging bowl - Shahid Khaqan Abbasi (SKA), the selected prime minister, left that bowl in plain sight, right next to the prime minister's bed."
"Ah ha!"
"What do you mean?"
"That's what caused the delay in seeking an International Monetary Fund package or seeking Saudi and Chinese assistance! The Khan doesn't sleep in the Prime Minister's House. Oh I remember now, neither did SKA, he daren't sleep in the bed his benefactor slept in and so perhaps what you said is fake news."
"That's right, so perhaps SKA left it somewhere else."
"Like where?"
"Really! That's what is engaging you right now?"
"It's important to understand where The Khan found the begging bowl."
"Perhaps it was left in the Finance Minister's office - Miftah Ismail left it and..."
"I have been hearing Ismail claim that he left the economy in good shape so he would have probably taken the bowl with him."
"Don't be facetious."
"By mistake, you know like Gilani took away Mrs Erdogan's necklace - she wanted it sold and the money given to charity or something."
"Don't be facetious, anyway Ismail surely knows that if the party returns to power he is unlikely to be reappointed - I mean Nawaz Sharif would reappoint Dar while Shahbaz Sharif has his eye on another so..."
"What about another ministry?"
"Hmmm, first he would need to be a senator because Ismail is unlikely to win elections and then..."
"That's one too many a favour, - more than one favour and you have to be a family member."
"I stand corrected."

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