Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar Tuesday briefed Prime Minister Imran Khan on the steps taken by the provincial government for implementation of 100 days agenda. Imran Khan, who met CM Buzdar during his visit to Lahore, discussed political, administrative, and economic matters of the province.
Sources claimed that the premier asked the chief minister to take immediate steps for providing relief to the masses so that the people could feel change. The sources added that the CM informed the premier that he has tasked the officers with doing hard work to introduce change in accordance with the 100 day agenda.
He said Punjab will lead with regard to implementation of 100 day agenda of the government. Usman Buzdar also briefed the prime minister about progress on the Naya Pakistan Housing Programme in Punjab. Earlier, Imran Khan met Punjab Governor Chaudhry Sarwar and discussed various issues of mutual interest. The sources said the governor gave suggestions to the PM to provide relief to the masses.