Industries in Karachi suffered production losses on Friday, in some cases up to 60 percent, on account of thin attendance of workers, non-availability of transport and sit in on different points in the city by supporters of the Tehreek Labbaik Pakistan (TLP). TLP supporters have blocked traffic at almost 30 points across the metropolis. Traffic has been blocked at Dau Talwar, Korangi, on two points at Shahrah-e-Faisal, Shahrah-e-Pakistan, Orangi Town, Numaish and Liaquatabad etc.
Industrial activity in all the five industrial estates of the city was adversely affected as majority of workers failed to report on duty owing to non-availability of public transport, closure of petrol pumps and fear of violence.
Due to a complete closure of main wholesale and retail markets, supplies of finished products from the local industries remained completely suspended throughout the day. Even the industries could not procure raw materials from the market.
Industrialists from Site industrial estate claimed that almost all factories in the area operated at 50-60 percent capacity.
They said the export-oriented industries have suffered 20-25 per cent production losses. The sit in also hit the supply of goods to the market from the industries.
Industrialists from Korangi said that only 20-25 percent production has been registered and the attendance register marked the presence of only 25 percent workers in almost all the units.
They said that many industries remained shut for the morning and afternoon shifts due to absence of workers.
Industrialists claim that one-day closure of industrial units in Karachi causes around Rs3 billion losses. Daily-wage employees were the worst affected as they lost their day's earning.
President Korangi Association of Trade & Industry (KATI) Danish Khan, Senior Vice President Faraz ur Rehman and Vice President Maheed Salman expressed concern over continuous shutdowns during the week.
Danish Khan said that the country is already facing economic crisis due to dropping exports, during the whole week industrial production were disturbed due to protests erupted after an apex court decision.
He urged the government to resolve current crisis through dialogue and resolve the concerns amicably.
He said that due to closure of market and roads and interrupted movement within Karachi, country faces losses of billions of rupees.
Danish Khan said on the one hand the PM and commerce minister were emphasising to boost exports but on other side industry is facing imminent closure. "It will almost be impossible to meet exports goals for industry in such conditions," he added.