"Spouses do impact on the behaviour of those they marry."
"Indeed, without doubt, but what is the speed of the...the influence?"
"If it's a love marriage, it could start even before the marriage itself if you know what I mean."
"Don't go there my friend. Some, through a keen insight into what may happen in future, may exercise more control and those without the keen insight..."
"OK, but let me ask you a question, what about those who have two wives at the same time, allowed under Islam?"
"There is this saying that a man or a woman have a certain type they marry and that implies the first and second or even third wife have similar temperaments, some say even physical similarities and..."
"I disagree first and foremost the second wife is usually younger than the first one, take the example of the former French President Sarkozy who married Carla Bruni, the singer, who looked strikingly like the wife he divorced..."
"Right, but in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan the first wife is generally through an arranged marriage and the second wife is normally for love and..."
"And the third wife?"
"OK, I give up; you keep bringing up the subject of Imran Khan and his wives, but three wives is not such a big deal - remember Henry VIII and his six wives?"
"Right, but The Khan never married because his family arranged his marriages, he boldly forged ahead and..."
"OK, but his behaviour changed with each wife. During the tenure of his first wife he seemed relaxed and, well yes, happy; during the tenure of the second wife he appeared happy before she moved in with him, but during the incumbent..."
"What is this with tenures? I mean really! Besides you can't compare Jemima with the second one who, he said, was like a marriage made in hell - besides the two women were not alike physically either - one was a blonde the other brunette and..."
"They were both slender women who had a good dress sense."
"Right, but with Third Wife the Khan has changed spiritually."
"Like how?"
"Like... like he takes off his shoes while on Saudi soil...."
"In respect!"
"As a private citizen he can do what he wants but as a head of government he should start wearing shoes at state functions."
"Never, see his junior minister of interior harped on his taking off shoes in Saudia as a reflection of his love and devotion to our Prophet, May Peace Be Upon him...oh and just for the record and all those who reckon whatever Third Wife says goes let me ask them to revisit her interview where she said she learnt to love plants from The Khan...."
"And not children?"
"She loves her children though I am not sure she has had an opportunity to extend it to his children, Jemima though has extended her love to The Khan's daughter...."
"I meant shouldn't Third Wife spearhead a campaign to save the children of Thar?"
"That's Sindh, the domain of the PPP."