Minister of State for Interior Shehryar Khan Afridi on Monday said that he would try his best to equip Islamabad Police with latest technology to make it a model police for provinces. He said this while addressing a ceremony to pay tribute to police martyrs here at the Police Lines. The minister emphasized on training of the police on modern lines; so that they would be able to handle any emergency or incident on its own without seeking any support from the Rangers or Punjab Police.
He said that the youth of the country has sacrificed their lives for the motherland and the government would do its best to recognize their sacrifices. The minister said that status of a martyr is rewarding in the religion and he could understand pain of the heirs and families as he himself has orphans in his home.
He also directed inspector general of police to devise a mechanism to address all genuine grievances of the police rank and file. "My Prime Minister and I would never disappoint you," he remarked, adding that he would make no compromise on providing facilities to the police and families of the martyrs.