It gives me great pleasure in welcoming Intercem to Pakistan.
INTERCEM is widely recognized as the world's leading international cement industry event. Since the inaugural meeting in 1985 more than 30,000 delegates from 110 countries have attended their events in almost 50 different cities.
With the support of the APCMA, INTERCEM will be the first international meeting dedicated to the cement industry to take place in Pakistan. The event will gather senior representatives from across the international and domestic industry at a time of both challenges and opportunities for the cement sector globally. Producers face increased competition both from domestic competitors and from the excess manufacturing capacity that exists worldwide. From energy costs to logistics and the environmental impact of the industry, major international trends are having a profound effect on cement production and trade. The conference will provide a forum for debate and discussion around many of these topical issues and you would be networking with customers from all over the globe.
Pakistan produces very high quality cement and our cement is recognized as one of the best and this will give us an opportunity to project ourselves.
It has taken us a long time and effort in convincing them to come to Pakistan and we are bringing speakers from our entire region to present papers on their cement Industry.
We urge all related Industries to make it a point to attend this mega event.
We sincerely wish Intercem a very successful conference.