Punjab Inspector General of Police Amjad Javed Saleemi on Saturday constituted a four-member committee to provide quick relief to persons affected by popular suspected land grabber Mansha Bum.
Headed by SP Sadar Lahore Ali Raza, the team will comprise SP Investigation Muhammad Rashid Hidayat and two members each from the Lahore Development Authority (LDA) and Revenue Department respectively. As per directions issued by the IG, the convener will hold open court once in a week and directly hear the complaints of the affected persons.
After the hearing, the complaints will be referred to concerned departments for further legal proceedings so that they may get timely relief. The IG will also personally supervise the entire process. Likewise, a special cell has also been established at the office of Operations DIG Waqas Nazeer where the aggrieved persons may contact focal person ADIG Ahmad Saleem on these contact numbers 0300-8437298 and 042-99214888.
The IG has also directed the CCPO and the DIG Operations to start a campaign regarding awareness on media for the facilitation of the aggrieved persons.