Message from Federal Minister, National Health Services, Regulations & Coordination

02 Dec, 2018

Today Pakistan joins the rest of the world in observing World AIDS Day. This day is aimed at increasing awareness, fighting stigma and discrimination and educating people regarding HIV. The theme of this year is "Prevent, Test and Treat". For a holist and robust HIV response, AIDS needs to be taken out of isolation, HIV prevention and treatment needs to be delivered in all dimensions of programming, including service delivery, demand generation and support for treatment adherence.
As we approach the end of 2018, the Government has marked more intensified, coordinated and integrated approaches to address HIV and AIDS related issues by implementing Pakistan AIDS Strategy III 201 7-2021. Government of Pakistan is committed to adopting a high impact approach to end AIDS by 2030. It is vital that we leave no stone unturned in achieving the national and global AIDS targets.
It is imperative for our citizens to understand that every individual is at risk of HIV and AIDS and necessary preventive measures and healthy lifestyles need to be adopted. We must learn to hate the disease not the patient. Despite significant progress over the years, challenges persist in reaching the unreached key affected population.
Focus on improving HIV testing and increasing access to HIV treatment for people living with HIV remains a priority for Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination. Evidence informed and human rights-based prevention programs are the need of the hour to address the HIV epidemic in the country.
I am proud to be part of this campaign and take this opportunity to stress upon my fellow compatriots to join hands in defeating the disease. I believe it is the duty of each citizen of this country to ensure that Pakistan becomes HIV and AIDS free.

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