The Lahore High Court on Wednesday directed the interior minister to remove the name of former PML-N MNA Sheikh Waseem Akhtar from the Exit Control List (ECL).
The petitioner Sheikh Waseem through his counsel pleaded that he and others persons were involved in a contempt of court case for taking out an anti-judiciary rally in Kasur.
A full bench seized with the matter had directed the interior minister to place his name on the ECL. He pointed out that later he was convicted under contempt of court charges and sentenced to jail for one month and fined Rs 100,000.
He had undergone the sentence and paid the fine as well but the interior ministry had not removed his name from the ECL.
The court after hearing arguments of his counsel at length disposed of the petition with the direction to remove the petitioner's name from the ECL.
President of Kasur District Bar Association Mirza Naseem and others had filed the petitions against former MNA Waseem Akhtar, former MPA Naeem Safdar and others for carrying out an anti-judiciary rally.
A Lahore High Court full bench had convicted former MNA Waseem Akhtar, former MPA Ahmad Latif, Nasir Khan and Jamil Khan in contempt charges.