Farmers have threatened to observe a wheel-jam strike throughout the country if the crushing season is not started at the earliest and cane procurement is not ensured at the rate of Rs 180 per maund. Kissan Board Pakistan (KBP) President Chaudhry Nisar Ahmad issued this warning while talking to media persons in his office on Wednesday. He said delay in crushing season will result in delay in sowing of wheat.
He alleged that the government could do nothing for farmers during its first 100 days. Sugarcane crop is ready in the country and the government despite tall claims and announcement could not ensure starting of crushing season and seemed helpless before the sugar mafia.
Nisar said the government after having a meeting sugar mills representatives and farmers announced to start crushing at the start of last month but mills refused to do so. He also blamed the millers for not paying billions of rupees of the growers. He alleged that sugar millers were making false hue and cry to delay the crushing season.