Natural exuberance

08 Dec, 2018

Bold and brave expressive style was evident in the current series of work by A S Rind in a solo exhibition at Artciti Gallery, Karachi. He exhibited a natural exuberance in his paintings by using a rich colour palette and a strong focus on design and pattern which bring out pictorial richness to the canvases in his new collection of paintings titled "Unrequited".
He refreshed his new work by changing his palate and handling of subject which gave his paintings a new pleasing look, which also freshen up his unique style. This change was admired by art lovers and the viewers enjoyed and appreciated his work.
A few years back he tried to change his style and give a new look to his work but he could not achieve the outlook he wanted. But this time he changed his colour application and texture, he used bright hues revealing boldness in his style that made his compositions lively and lucid.
While going through the paintings at the gallery I also enjoyed Rind's new approach towards his subject - women. During discussion about this new style of Rind Junaid of Artciti gallery said that he wanted to display only new works by Rind but the artist was not comfortable considering the reaction of art lovers.
Full of happy high spirits and vitality Rind's paintings highlighted the rich traditional heritage of the Rajasthani women. He painted his figures with strong sweeping strokes and women figures recurred in his paintings with motifs that trace ethnic patterns.
He is well known for his unconventional portraits of eastern women having ornate long necks and wide eyes demure yet seductive. Sometimes he adds a parrot, rose, peacock or a fish to his usual women figures to change the ambience of his paintings.
Rind draws inspiration for his paintings from the poetry of Asadullah Khan Ghalib, Faiz Ahmad Faiz and other prominent poets. By using poetry of such renowned poets he gave a mystique touch to his paintings. Written in a beautiful script they enhance each painting's effect while adding a touch of sobriety.
The poetry in his paintings is not just words, these serve as motifs that decorate the paintings and create additional meanings for the viewers. He uses other symbols like fish, leaves, musical instruments, moon etc. that create a mystery in his paintings. Rind believes all these symbols have different meanings, interpretations and significance for different people. Art lovers appreciated the depth and expressions of his new series of work.

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