Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Mahmood Khan has taken notice of the alleged illegal recruitments in the KP Board of Investment (KP-BoIT) and has directed presentation of detailed inquiry report within a period of three-day to him. Mahmood Khan has said that the implementation of the roadmap that prepared for the seven newly merged districts into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is under process with complete concentration. All provincial departments except four including judiciary, police, revenue and excise have been extended to the newly merged districts while a simple procedure for the extending of the remaining departments is also being evolved.
In the meanwhile, the chief minister has ordered the provision of staff and other necessary facilities in the primary school of Tehsil Uthmankhel, Bajaur Agency. He has also directed for bringing improvement in the Tehsil Headquarters Hospital (THQ) Anzargai, Katlang and directed initiating of effective measures for the provision of treatment facilities to the people.
The chief minister directed the presentation of detailed report regarding the illegal residents of the Category C hospital of tehsil Katlang, Mardan and taking of steps in that regard.
Mahmood Khan said that the conveyance allowance of the special persons has been increased by Rs 2000 and in this the approval granted by him has been dispatched to different public sector departments for its immediate implementation.
The chief minister while directing acceleration of work on jail reforms directed effective legislation and reformation of the existing laws and finalization of recommendations in this regard as soon as possible.
In the meanwhile, the chief minister has also taken notice of the reports of the alleged collection of extortion from trucks and has directed the Inspector General of Police (IGP) for presentation of a comprehensive report for the discouraging of the practice to him.
The chief minister has also directed district government including district administration and WSSP for the disposal of the garbage and their dumping on scientific manner. He also directed consecutive monitoring of the Shamshatoo Dumping Site.
The chief minister also directed the presentation of detailed report to him regarding community schools in Swat to search out a permanent solution in that regard. He directed the activation of 17 Basic Health Units (BHUs) in district Khyber and action against the absent employees.