Prime Minister Imran Khan Saturday reviewed the performance of ministries during the second phase of special cabinet meeting held at the PM's Bani Gala residence.
PTI-led federal government's ministers gave briefing on their ministries' first 100-day performance As per agenda, minister for federal education, professional training, national history and literary heritage division, minister for finance, revenue and economic affairs, minister for national food security and research, minister for national health services, regulations and coordination, minister for narcotics control, minister for planning, development and reform, minister for privatisation, minister for religious affairs and inter-faith harmony and minister for science and technology were to brief the meeting over performance of their ministries
The huddle reviewed performance of 10 ministries and divisions, including Heritage Division, Narcotics Control Division, National Food Security Division, Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development Division, Privatisation Commission, Planning and Development Division, Postal Services and Federal Board of Revenue.
The ministries and divisions gave briefing to the Prime Minister on measures taken regarding austerity. The ministries and divisions also presented strategies on future plans and their implementation.
The first such meeting was held on Monday last (December 10) that reviewed the performance of 26 ministries/divisions wherein the Prime Minister evinced satisfaction over the performance of his team and all the criticism and cabinet reshuffle speculations were termed as agenda of some elements who wanted to create differences among the cabinet members.