Director General (DG) Asian Development Bank (ADB) Tomoyuki Kimura arrived here on Monday to discuss Bank's future strategic direction and its development partnership with Pakistan. According to ADB announcement, ADB official Kimura is visiting Pakistan from December 17 to December 19. During his visit, he will meet senior government officials to discuss ADB's future strategic direction and its development partnership.
The official is also scheduled to meet with private sector partners. According to the Bank, the director general will brief media about his visit and key points of ADB Strategy 2030.
Last week the ADB released its Country Operation Business Plan (COBP) for Pakistan for 2019-202, which states that the proposed sovereign lending programme for 2019-2021 is $7.528 billion, consisting of $5.370 billion from regular ordinary capital resources (OCR) lending and $2.158 billion from concessional OCR lending (COL). COL includes a carryover of $600 million from 2018. The non-lending programme for 2019-2021 is $21.7 million, including transaction technical assistance for various pipeline projects.
The indicative resources available during 2019-2021 for sovereign operations amount to $5.712 billion, comprising $4.29 billion for regular OCR lending and $1.422 billion for COL. The final allocation will depend on available resources, project readiness, project performance and debt distress rating of the country among others. The ADB's non-sovereign operations will supplement these resources, maintained the COBP.