Minister for Information and Broadcasting Chaudhry Fawad Hussain on Monday termed unfortunate the incident of violence against the cameramen of a private news channel by the security guards of former Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif on the premises of Parliament House.
Talking to protesting journalists at the gate of Parliament House, he said two private guards of Nawaz Sharif had attacked cameramen Ali Zaidi and Wajid. He said Wajid received fatal injuries and fell unconscious. He was admitted to the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS), where his MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) test was conducted. "We all pray for his early recovery," he added.
He said one guard had escaped while the other was arrested by the National Assembly security personnel. The guard had reportedly fled in the car of Dr Tariq Fazal Chaudhry, he alleged. The minister said the Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Islamabad had been asked to look into the matter. Action would be taken against the guards involved in the incident. The guard at large would be arrested soon, he added.
He said cameramen, who worked in difficult circumstances, were considered soul of the media. The minister said the National Assembly Speaker had issued instructions that no private guard would be allowed to enter the premises of Parliament House.
Speaking on the occasion, the SSP said action would be taken against the guards involved in the incident as per law. They would be arrested within 24 hours.
The journalists dispersed after the assurance of Information Minister that the guards involved in the incident would be arrested. They demanded that the security chief of Nawaz Sharif should also be nominated as accused in the first information report because he had ordered the guards to unleash violence on the journalists.