Australian shares ended firmly higher on Tuesday, tracking Asian peers, as the country's biggest trade partner China signalled more stimulative measures to tackle domestic growth worries. The S&P/ASX 200 index, which fell the two previous sessions, gained 0.7 percent to 5,814.60 at the close of trade.
China's state planner said on Tuesday it will aim to achieve "a good start" in the first quarter for the economy in a signal of more growth-boosting steps.
The ASX Healthcare index rose 1.2 percent, led by a 1.8 percent gain for benchmark heavyweight CSL Ltd, the sector's biggest play.
Diversified mining giants and index heavyweights BHP Group and Rio Tinto Ltd firmed 1.1 percent and 0.8 percent, respectively.
New Zealand's benchmark S&P/NZX 50 index finished 0.04 percent or 3.97 points lower at 8,964.58. Dairy company A2 Milk ended 2.6 percent higher.