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Judge pays surprise visit to civil hospital Hyderabad

26 Jan, 2019

The District & Sessions Judge Hyderabad Abdul Ghani Soomro has paid a surprise visit to civil hospital Hyderabad this morning where he visited ICU, child care unit, urology and medical-III wards. He checked the facilities being provided to patients. During the visit, the additional medical superintendent, civil hospital briefed him about facilities provided to patients in the hospital.
Judge Abdul Ghani Soomro directed to hospital authorities that doctors and medical staff should treat patients with honesty and no negligence will be tolerated in this regard. He further stressed upon doctors to wear aprons during duty hours and he expressed his anger on presence of pharmaceutical company representative in the ward and directed the concerned officers not to allow medical representatives in the ward which cause disturbance in providing treatment to the patients.
During the visit, he also met with attendants of patients and asked them about facilities provided to them. Attendants told to Sessions Judge that hospital staff and doctors are very much cooperative to them. The Additional MS and focal person of civil hospital for sessions court and others accompanied him during the visit.

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