Nine illegal bottled drinking water units, RO plants seized

05 Feb, 2019

Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) on Monday claimed to have seized nine substandard bottled drinking water units and R.O. plants in crackdown on illegal manufacturing, stock and sale products in the local markets.
The PSQCA officials said that the seized plants were being operated without having Certification Marks License. Their total stocks were also seized on the spot. The PSQCA has released the details of the seized products and brands: Safe Life Water Brand Bottle Drinking Water (BDW) of M/s Safe Life Water, (BDW unit in shop) Different Brands BDW of M/s Aqua Fine + Premium Drinking Water, Aqua 24 and Aqua 76 Brands of M/s Asim & Qasim Enterprises and Faris Brand of M/s Faras Mineral Water. They all are based in Gulistan-e-Jauhar, Karachi. Hydronium Brand of M/s Hydronium Water, Gulzar-e-Hijri, Dropice Brand of M/s Pure Drinking Water, Mosmiyat Road, M/s Qaswa Water Brand located at Shop No.06, near Dow Hospital and Ozone Brand of M/s Ozone Healthy Water, Gulzar-e-Hijri Garden, Karachi.
The above units were involved in illegal manufacturing, stock and sale of bottled drinking water. They were seized as per SRO 638(1)/2001 of Bottled Drinking Water and PSQCA Act VI of 1996.
The Director General PSQCA Abdul Aleem Memon said that surveillance team was striving to trace substandard products and illegal manufacturers of bottled drinking water and strict action would be taken against the companies if they were found preparing substandard products/water.

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