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Additional duty on import of 22 items abolished

13 Feb, 2019

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has abolished additional customs duty on the import of 22 items including synthetic organic tanning substances from March 31, 2018. The FBR has amended S.R.O.630(1)/2018 through an S.R.O.191(1)/2019 issued here on Tuesday.
According to the notification, additional customs duty would not be applicable on the import of toluene (Pakistan Customs Tariff heading 2902.3000), Butanone (methyl ethyl ketone) (PCT 2914.1200), other (PCT 2915.1290), - Other (PCT 2933.9990), - synthetic organic tanning substances (PCT 3202.1000), tanning substances, tanning preparations based on chromium sulphate (PCT 3202.9010), Other (PCT 3202.9090), disperse dyes and preparations based thereon (PCT 3204.1100), basic dyes and preparations based thereon (PCT 3204.1300), Other (PCT3207.1090), Other (PCT 3208.1090), Other (PCT 3208.9090), Mould release preparations (PCT 3403.9910), shoe adhesives (PCT 3506.9110), other (PCT 3812.3900), acrylic binders (PCT 3906.9020), - other (PCT 4005.1090), Other (PCT 4005.9900), machinery for making or repairing footwear (PCT 8453.2000), buttons (PCT 9606.2920) and other falling under the PCT heading 9606.2990.
Following is the text of the S.R.O.191(1)/2019 issued here on Tuesday:. - In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (5) of section 18 of the Customs Act, 1969 (IV of 1969), the Federal Government is pleased to direct that the following further amendment shall be made in its Notification No.S.R.O.630(1)/2018, dated the 24th May, 2018, namely: -
In the aforesaid Notification, -
(i) after clause (iii), the following new clause shall be inserted, namely:
"(iiia) import of goods classifiable under PCT codes 2902.3000, 2914.1200, 2915.1290, 2933.9990, 3202.1000, 3202.9010, 3202.9090, 3204.1100, 3204.1300, 3207.1090, 3208.1090, 3208.9090, 3403.9910, 3506.9110, 3506.9190, 3812.3900, 3906.9020, 4005.1090, 4005.9900, 8453.2000, 9606.2920 and 9606.2990;" and
(ii) in clause vii in sub-clause (c) after the words "Part VII, the words "and
Part VIII" shall be added.
This notification shall take effect on and from the 31st day of March, 2019.

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