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Message from President Islamic Republic of Pakistan

19 Feb, 2019

It is a matter of immense pleasure for me to welcome His Royal Highness Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud to Pakistan. The closest Muslim allies for over seven decades, people of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia hold the most favorable perception of each other. The relations between the two brotherly countries have been excellent at all levels. The recent renewed spirit in relations between the two countries is extremely significant.
The Government and people of Pakistan greatly value its time-tested close fraternal and brotherly relations with Saudi Arabia which are based on shared faith, culture and values and wish to further enhance these relations in all fields. It is heartwarming to see the accelerated trade and investment relations, and I cannot assert more the desire to further cement the bilateral relations built on mutual interest and respect. Pakistan's commitment to protect Harmain Sharifain is unrelenting. The people-to-people connection is playing an important role in materializing the shared goals. Pakistanis working in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are making valuable contributions in the progress and development of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I hope and pray that the existing brotherly relations between the two countries would further grow in future, InshaAllah!

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