A team of Pakistan Railway Peshawar division, during a crackdown in different locations here on Thursday recovered Rs6.2 million from defaulters on head of car parking. It also retrieved 11 marlas lands, worth Rs9.3 million after removal illegal constructions on Railways property. According to details, an amount of Rs6.8 million is unpaid on head of parking, sticking and others dues to Pakistan Railways despite date expired of the payment.
Taking action on directives of Divisional Superintendent Pakistan Railways, Nasir Khalili, a team led by Special magistrate of the Railways, Wazir and other officials visited different car parking in Khyber Teaching Hospital, Kharkhano market, Bara gate pathak, Hayatabad Phase-III chowk sticking and other location to recover the whopping amount from defaulters.
During the action, two managers were arrested due to non-payment of dues to parking on Railways land, while sealed one shop.