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PSM corruption: government may place all names on ECL

04 Mar, 2019

The federal government is likely to place all accused involved in corruption in Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM) on Exit Control List (ECL) this week as federal cabinet has ratified the ECC decision of February 19, 2019, well informed sources told Business Recorder.
The ECC while considering its summary regarding "grant of disbursement of provident fund, gratuity and payroll dues to the heirs of deceased employees of Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM)" in its meeting held on November 22, 2018 directed Ministry of Industries and Production "to get feedback on the status of NAB cases regarding PSM''s and submit a report to the ECC".
Last year, Ministry of Industries and Production (MoI&P) had sent a reference to National Accountability Bureau (NAB) against former and incumbent officials of Pakistan Steel Mills who withdrew Rs 7.51billion from employees'' provident fund and gratuity.
According to PSM management the note for withdrawal of Rs 3.9bn from Provident Fund Trust was initiated by Abdul Aziz Memon, then Deputy General Manager of cash section (retired) whereas Muhammad Mansoor (late) was the General Manager (Accounts & Finance) at that time. The case was justified and approved by the then Director Finance Sharif Awan and then Chairman Aftab Moeen Sheikh. Later Acting Chairman Sameen Asghar also gave approval on October 15, 2008. The members of Board of Trustees were Muhammad Mansoor, Akbar Nabi and Muneer Husssain Chattha.
The note for withdrawal of Rs 3.61bn from the gratuity fund was initiated by Muhammad Mansoor, General Manager (Cost & Accounts). The case was justified and approved by the then Director Finance Sharif Awan and then Chairman Aftab Moeen Sheikh except and Sameen Asghar later approved it on 15 October 2008. The Trustees of the Fund were Saleem Ahmed, Saud Ahmad Khan, SM Husnain Akhtar and Mansoor Hussain. The Ministry maintains that the top most priority is to pay Rs 7.5bn of provident and gratuity funds, adding that an attempt is being made to clear this amount through sale of PSM land meant for industrial purposes amounting to Rs 10 billion.
NAB is also dealing with corruption cases of PSM since several years but the outcome is still zero due to slow progress as accused are very influential.
In 2014, the executive board of the NAB approved filing of three references of mega corruption in the Pakistan Steels Mills (PSM) against PSM former chairman Moeen Aftab Sheikh and five other top officials of the mills involving Rs820 million.
Recently, in compliance to ECC directives, Ministry of Industries and Production presented a list of cases along with their current status under investigation of NAB.
It was stated that there are a total of 13 cases, of which one case was dropped and in two cases the Accountability Court acquitted the accused. Currently, 10 cases are under investigation of NAB, for which supplementary references have been filed in the Accountability Court.
The meeting was further informed that the main accused i.e. Moeen Aftab Sheikh, ex-Chairman Pakistan Steel Mills is on bail. The ECC expressed concern over slow progress of NAB cases and directed Ministry of Industries and Production to pursue this matter vigorously. The ECC also observed that all accused in 10 cases must be placed on ECL and directed Ministry of Industries and Production to take necessary action in this regard.
The sources further stated that the federal cabinet has ratified the decision of ECC taken on February 19, 2019 and as the Ministry receives minutes of cabinet decision the reference will be sent to Interior Division.

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