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UNDP-funded Tharparkar skills development project launched

04 Mar, 2019

Technology Up gradation and Skills Development Company (TUSDEC), Ministry of Industries & Production, Government of Pakistan launches Tharparkar Skills development project sponsored by the UNDP revealed CEO TUSDEC Muhammad Alamgir Chaudhry. Talking to Business Recorder on Sunday he said that the objective of the project is to impart employable skills to the unemployed youth while ensuring close coordination with industry / potential employers. Total 300 youth, including both male and female, is targeted to be trained mainly in the trades of Construction, Retail, Automobile and Logistics he disclosed. Alamgir further stated that total scope of the project is to train 1000 participants, 700 from Karachi and 300 from Tharparkar he disclosed.
CEO TUSDEC further stated that the project would help in facilitating employment locally and may enhance the income generating resources. He further said that based on this pilot initiative, TUSDEC may consider proposing establishment of skills development center to help the local youth to get employable skills and enhance their employability.
TUSDEC's team intended to meet all important stakeholders so as to design a need based training course which may address the skills requirements of the potential employers and we are also visiting to Mithi and Islamkot to talk to the relevant stakeholders including Thar foundation, Social Welfare department Tharparkar, Principal Polytechnic Institute Mithi and local private sector enterprises and institutes to assess the details related to skills requirement to be imparted to the targeted group of the local community Alamgir Chaudhry said.

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