Indian police said Monday that one of the "key conspirators" behind a suicide attack that killed at least 40 troops in Kashmir had died in a shootout with government forces. Mudasir Ahmed Khan, who was shot dead Sunday, was described by authorities as a top commander with Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM), behind the deadly February 14 bombing in Indian-held Kashmir. Police said Monday that an investigation had "revealed that Mudasir was one of the key conspirators" of the deadly attack on Indian forces.
Mudasir was shot in Tral - a town in Pulwama district where the suicide bombers struck - along with another gunman Indian police said was from Pakistan. K.J.S. Dhillon, the local army commander in held Kashmir, said Monday that 14 alleged JeM militants, including six commanders, had been eliminated in a crackdown in the aftermath of the bombing. Police said the mastermind of the convoy attack was killed on February 18 along with two other JeM associates in a shootout in held Kashmir.