Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar on Friday said that improvement in the law and order situation has restored the international image of Pakistan, which would help boost the foreign investment because peace catalyzes economic stability. He said this while talking to Federal Minister for law and justice Barrister Farogh Naseem who called on him at his office here on Friday.
Both discussed different matters including law & order situation and steps taken for the protection of life and property of the people, sources said, adding, "Matters concerning legislation on reforms agenda also came under discussion." Talking on the occasion, the CM maintained that the country is moving towards peace and stability and the country's international image has been restored due to improvement in law & order situation. "Supremacy of law, upholding merit, provision of justice and elimination of corruption are top agenda of the government," he said, adding, "Reforms agenda is underway to make the police a public-friendly institution."
Moreover, talking to elected representatives of Southern Punjab, the CM said that development schemes of billions of rupees have been started for the prosperity of the people living there. "I fully understand the issues faced by the people of Southern Punjab and the PTI government has particularly focused on development of backward areas," he said.
He vowed to remove the sense of deprivation of the Southern Punjab people. In fact, development and prosperity are the rights of every part of the province and keeping this thing in view, the backward areas have been given preference in the journey of development, he added.
Furthermore, Sardar Usman Buzdar while condemning firing at two mosques in New Zealand expressed a deep sense of sorrow over the loss of precious human lives. "We equally share the grief of the bereaved families, he said, adding: "The terrorists playing with the innocent lives are not human but savage beast. In fact, terrorism is a collective issue of all the nations of the world and collective efforts are needed to deal with this menace."