Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman has expressed deep sense of sorrow over the loss of precious human lives including Pakistanis in the fatal incident of the firing in mosques in New Zealand. While commiserating with the bereaved families of martyrs, CM said that they are standing in solidarity with them in this hour of anguish and all our sympathies are with the families of martyrs.
He thanked New Zealand Prime Minister Jaicand Arden who expressed her cohesion well with commitment to the Muslim community. Moreover, he added that Naeem Rashid the brave son of Pakistan without caring for his life tried to stop terrorist and embraced Shahadat. He said that whole Pakistani nation is proud of the bravery of Naeem Rashid and he is the hero of the Muslim community. The Chief Minister said that attack on mosques of Christchurch has trodden the sentiments of Muslims in the whole world around and this aggressive firing left everyone in tears. He said that the terrorists have engraved a history of barbarism by shedding the blood of innocent people. This horrible incident of terrorism is highly condemned and there is a dire need to take effective measures at the international level for prevention of such fanatic incidents.