The Deputy Commissioner Tharparkar Muhammad Asif Jameel in his daily report submitted to Sindh Chief Minister, has informed that 186 children in gasping/critical condition were admitted in different government hospitals at district and Taluka level. 52 out of them were treated and given appropriate health cover after which on regaining their stability, were discharged. In his report, he informed that 127 children are still under treatment at the hospitals.
Moreover, 669 children were also treated under OPD services extended by health facilities of Tharparkar under the administration of Health Department where as 479 children were treated in OPD at 31 BHUs and 18 government dispensaries under the administrative control of PPHI in district Tharparkar.
The Livestock Department under the command of Livestock deputy director setup their veterinary camps in three villages of different talukas. One each in Taluka Nagarparkar, Diplo and Islamkot were established. 46 animals were treated whereas 3800 animals were vaccinated and 1179 were also drenched in the said villages.
Free wheat relief activities are in progress across the district. Almost 856 families were provided wheat under Phase-III. Fourteen families of Phase-II also collected their 50kg wheat bag. Fifty one families who had not collected wheat bags of Phase-I also approached their respective sentinel point and collected wheat bags. Till date 248,621 families in Phase-I, 256524 families in Phase-II and 253,195 families in Phase-III have received wheat bags at the scale of 50 kg per Head of Family.