Partly Facetious: Similarities between Macron and Imran

26 Mar, 2019

"Macron of France won 66.1 percent of the vote becoming the youngest French President ever at age 39."
"Benazir Bhutto was younger and..."
"No, I think she was 40 when she first became prime minister but she was the first woman head of government of a Muslim country, so no mean achievement that."
"OK! Anyway Macron was swept to power, formed his own party La Republique en marche, the Republic on the move in 2016 and was installed as the country's head of government on 14 May 2017. He pledged to reform the French economy, doesn't that remind you of The Khan who also formed his own party and was swept to power last year - OK 20 odd years after he established his party - and OK he did not win as big a majority as Macron but he pledged to reform the Pakistan economy and hold the corrupt politicians accountable and change was his slogan."
"There is one major difference between the two men."
"I know Macron was a member of the socialist party and served as its Minister of Finance so had the relevant experience while the only time The Khan was not the captain of his team was before he was made the captain of the cricket team and....."
"Hmmm, so The Khan's experience of working under a more experienced person is extremely dated and perhaps forgotten...but anyway he was being coached by many as you are aware; besides that was not the difference I was referring to?"
"The Khan married three times, Macron married just the once."
"At age of 40, The Khan was also married only once."
"Good point but anyway what I wanted to point out to The Khan was look at what is happening in France today: the yellow vest protest movement has entered its 17th week and this is attributed to Macron's economic reforms, that need I add are rather similar to what is being supported by The Khan's Minister of Finance and his Special Advisor which in turn are eroding the value of each rupee earned at rather a fast clip and..."
"Stop - the yellow vest movement, not backed by any rival political party, began in November last year so Macron had a year and a half before his reforms got the people angry so my friend The Khan has at least one more year."
"But I would still advise The Khan that too much reliance on the principle of wealth (read the rich people) begetting more wealth (and disseminating it to the poor through hiring more people) has not really worked in other countries and..."
"Give him that one year, please, give him that year."
"I reckon the situation may be worse for the poor next year this time."
"Let's give him that one year please."

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