The Punjab government has paid a sum of Rs113 billion to the sugarcane growers in the province while remaining dues will also be paid to the farmers soon. The Punjab chief minister Sardar Usman Buzdar in a tweet said: "About 99.7 percent dues of previous years have been paid to the farmers. Sugarcane crop worth Rs133 billion has been procured in the current season in Punjab while Sugar mills mafia ruled Punjab for many decades and sugarcane farmers were not paid their payments for many years."
Moreover, the CM, while chairing a high-level meeting reviewed steps taken for providing better services to the people as well as ensuring good governance. Addressing the meeting, the CM maintained that setting up of new districts is being reviewed across the province on administrative grounds and in this regard, a special committee has also been constituted under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary.
He vowed that marked improvements in good governance and public service delivery mechanism will be introduced. He said that police and administration should ensure a strong liaison with the people and public representatives for providing better services, ensuring good governance and solution of problems.
He reiterated that improving the public sector hospitals is the top priority of the government and made it clear that a real change will be ensured by making police, healthcare and education sectors better than the best.
"Service delivery will start improving conspicuously with better public dealing. DCs and DPOs are part of my team and I will be standing with the officers serving the people," he added. He said that DC and DPO should be on the same page and non-cooperative attitude will never be tolerated.
He said that Punjab will be transformed as a model province with regard to good governance. He said that he will personally monitor the service delivery standards by visiting the whole of the province without prior information and latest IT system will also be utilized to understand problems of the people and to maintain a direct liaison with them.
Chief Secretary gave a detailed briefing to the CM about different steps taken for improved good governance and public service delivery. He also directed the officers to have better access to the people. He said that DCs, DPOs and departmental heads should regularly hold open-courts in the districts while Commissioners and RPOs will also attend the open-courts of their respective districts.
IG police maintained that a good civil servant always remains neutral and concerted efforts of police and administration yields positive results. Only those societies achieve success where police perform according to law.
Commissioners, RPOs, DCs and DPOs also presented various proposals for bringing improvements in good governance and public service delivery. The Chief Minister assured to implement the feasible proposals.