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Partly Facetious: It's not about Imran Khan's personal life

02 Apr, 2019

"Change Khan means you don't do what your predecessors did."
"They married only the once though..."
"Don't get personal, this is not about Khan's personal life, nor is it about Nawaz Sharif's personal life or Zardari's for that matter."
"How about reading out speeches? He goes extempore unlike his predecessors..."
"And how many times has he put his foot in his mouth? Surely after seven months he should realize that extempore statements can have some serious consequences domestically and I am referring to his statement that the name Benazir would be dropped from the Benazir Income Support Programme for which he does not have the numbers in parliament..."
"And internationally too and I refer to his administrations announcements of the amount of assistance from friendly countries who really are not known to want the amount and terms of assistance to become public knowledge, remember when the Saudis gave 1.5 billion dollars as grant and not a loan during the Sharif administration and they never acknowledged that it was from Saudi Arabia..."
"Right, and speaking extempore raises the issue of constant repetition."
"There you go but why have you begun to refer to him as Mr Khan and not The Khan."
"The Khan was a reference to the movement for change and frankly I can't see any! Its Monday morning, petrol prices have been raised again and before the government says that Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority is responsible we all know the government collects around 40 to 50 billion rupees as sales tax and 300 billion rupees as petroleum levy on petroleum products - a heavy, heavy reliance for revenue based on ease of collection - you buy you pay tax..."
"I would have you know that previous administrations did this too and..."
"Right, so no change."
"I know in Khan's Pakistan, change has been brought about through a massive decline in expenses incurred by the Prime Minister's House..."
"Too small an amount in relation to the total annual budget to make a difference but like his predecessors as public grumblings have begun he has started his jalsas and begun announcing hefty packages for specific cities/towns/locations and there is not enough in the treasury so it would be in the next budget and then maybe axed just like during previous administrations."
"If Khan would only stop cutting feetahs (ribbons) I would be so happy, and apparently he cut a feetah in Karachi that had been cut in the past, my point is give up the practice of having plaques in your name in projects funded by the taxpayers."

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