Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar called on Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday and discussed political situation, administrative issues of the province and steps being taken to facilitate the masses besides reforms agenda being pursued by the provincial government.
"The chief minister also apprised the prime minister about performance of provincial ministers and construction work of shelter homes in the province," the sources said. "The prime minister asked the CM Buzdar to take immediate steps for facilitating the masses."
Imran Khan took serious notice of increase in medicines prices and asked the authorities concerned to determine those responsible for this hike and bring back prices of medicines to previous levels, the sources added.
The CM assured the premier that no obstruction will be allowed to hinder the agenda of national development and prosperity of the people and the destiny of the people will be transformed by fulfilling the promise of change.
Earlier, talking to assembly members, the CM said that Pakistan has started its journey towards the destination of a new Pakistan under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan. "We are working day and night to come up to the expectations of the nation because midnight oil has to be burnt so that the fruits of change could reach to the people," he said.
He held the former government responsible for the deteriorated economic conditions. He said the incumbent government is working hard to strengthen the economy. He said that the PTI government has laid the foundation of a transparent and vibrant Pakistan as corruption has been decreased and transparency is enhanced in the country.
Moreover, the chief minister while congratulating the nation on the 46th constitution day of Pakistan said the efforts of originators of the constitution as well as the assembly members are praiseworthy because the democratically elected leadership gifted the nation with a consensus constitution. The constitution has made the nation united by ensuring that we are not divided in any way, he added.