"There is one portfolio where a trust deficit always has disastrous results."
"It's that Shah Mehmud Qureshi's portfolio, right! I mean the guy doesn't do u turns but with his boss doing u turns routinely and making statements that lead to the government in question protesting by summoning our ambassador there, and the Khan being Khan, restating the same..."
"Ha ha, I wasn't aware you were an admirer of Tareen sahib..."
"Don't be facetious, though truth be told I am an admirer of anyone who can make so much money so quickly..."
"Don't be facetious - the guy is hard working and he worked within the system - if the system allows some innovative ways to make a quick buck then you need to sort out the system not the guy who has successfully..."
"Granted. You know a born peer (spiritual leader) and Qureshi is certainly one, is different from one who trains and painstakingly develops a peerhood, if you will..."
"For you all roads lead to a Bani Gala resident and I would urge you to leave well alone..."
"Sorry, anyway the Khan's u turns show his human side and..."
"Human or what I refer to as a malaise that all our prime ministers succumb to - not backing off when required...even the carefully selected caretakers for civilian and military governments succumbed to this malaise, and by that I mean those with no backbone..."
"Ha, ha, so U-turn coupled with not backing off. Now who says the two are not contradictory!"
"In the new Pakistan, our prime minister makes u turn on specific domestic issues and not on those that impact on international relations. In the old Pakistan, or Nawaz Sharif's Pakistan, it was the other way round and...wait..."
"I get it, I keep telling you Khanzadehs there is no point in belabouring a point - people get bored and so..."
"OK, but the portfolio where a trust deficit always has a negative fallout is that held by the finance minister. The guy says all is hunky dory and has a zero effect on the markets, the guy says it's all bad and gets a verbal bashing, the guy says the economy is out of ICU and no one believes him while multilateral projections on his surgery skills if you will are dire indeed... "
"So perhaps a change of portfolio for a short period, say a few months..."
"No U-turn there as yet I reckon."
"How about the next best alternative: tell Umar to shut up."
"Nope, if it's the nature of the beast..."
"Don't be facetious"