On the directions of Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar, Punjab government has announced to issue 'Sehat Insaf Cards' to the special persons. The CM has directed the line departments to compile the data of special persons across the province so that necessary steps could be taken in this regard. He has also directed to submit him a report. Special persons and their family members could avail healthcare facilities from hospitals up to Rs 720,000 through Sehat Insaf Cards. Special persons require proper treatment facilities, therefore, the Punjab government has decided to issue Sehat Insaf Cards, he added.
The CM said that PTI government gives special importance to the wellbeing and treatment of special persons and issuance of Sehat Insaf Cards will provide more relief to them. This is the unprecedented step of Punjab government and many more initiatives will be introduced to help rehabilitate the special persons in future as well, he added.
"We do not believe in slogans and political jargons as practical steps are being taken to facilitate the people," he said, adding: "We have come into power to serve the masses and the foundations of a transparent and vibrant Pakistan has been laid." Moreover, the CM Sardar Usman Buzdar has sought a report from CCPO Lahore about the death of a youth near Lari Adda by hitting a police vehicle.
He said that a comprehensive report should be submitted to him and legal action be initiated after identification of persons responsible. The bereaved heirs will be provided justice. He also expressed condolence over the death of the youth and extended sympathies to the heirs.