The Russian rouble was flat against the dollar on Monday before public holidays, while stocks rose along with their global peers after the S&P 500 index reached a record high in the United States. At 0730 GMT, the rouble was unchanged against the dollar at 64.73 and against the euro at 72.21.
Trading has waned as the Moscow Exchange will be closed for public holidays on May 1 and May 9 and little market activity is expected between those dates.
The rouble remained at levels seen last Friday after the Russian central bank held its key interest rate at 7.75 percent but signalled it would consider rate cuts later this year. Yields of 10-year benchmark OFZ bonds were steady at 8.3 percent, also showing little reaction to the central bank's decision. Russian stocks rose after Asian and US markets gained.
The dollar-denominated RTS index was up 0.4 percent to 1,251.98 points.