Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Khan Buzdar has said the government had not received any specific "security threat" prior to the Data Darbar suicide attack. Talking to media, the CM said the information on different threats was a routine but no specific threat about the Data Darbar was received by the law enforcement or intelligence agencies. Rejecting the speculation that police did not reach the crime scene on time, he said the police responded immediately.
He said the culprits would be traced soon and apprehended by the police. He also announced financial compensation for the bereaved families and injured of the incident.
After the incident, the CM visited the Punjab Safe Cities Authority (PSCA) headquarters and himself monitored the whole operation. Condemning the blast which targeted the police, the CM postponed his visit to Bhakkar and called an emergency meeting of the high police officials and Safe City authorities.
Provincial Law Minister Raja Muhammad Basharat, Minister Auqaf and Religious Affairs Syed Saeed ul Hassan, Inspector General of Police (IGP) Punjab Capt Arif Nawaz Khan (retd) and Deputy Commissioner Lahore Saleha Saeed were present.
Moreover, Pakistan Muslim League (PML-Q) President and former Prime Minister Ch Shujat Hussain, Speaker Punjab Assembly Ch Parvez Elahi and MNA Moonis Elahi MNA have expressed their heartfelt grief and sorrow over loss of precious lives in suicide explosion outside Data Darbar.
In a joint message, they said that the entire nation highly values the great sacrifice of the Elite Force jawans. They said facilitators of the attacker should be identified and given exemplary punishment. They said that Pakistan Muslim League and its leadership share the grief and sorrow of bereaved families and also pray for early recovery of the injured.