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Off-season cotton management strategy released

26 Jan, 2019

Dr Qavi Irshad, deputy director, Research Information Unit of the Agriculture Department, told APP on Saturday that pink bollworm goes in winter nap during November and December and its eggs remain present on cotton seeds, branches and dried leafs in the farms and ginning factories.

When they get sufficient temperature after winter, they again become active. He said that cotton growers should act upon the off-season management to save next crops from attack of pink bollworm.

Giving further details, he said that the farmers should cut the branches of cotton crops nearer to earth up to January 31 and keep them in the sunshine so that Gulabi Sundi, its larva and eggs could die.

The remains of cotton crops at growers' farm and in ginning factories should be burnt besides using rotavater plough in the cotton field after completely harvesting the crop, he added.

Copyright APP (Associated Press of Pakistan), 2019

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