Partly Facetious: The profundity of name selection

22 May, 2019

"Name selection is extremely important and sadly none of us is in a position to choose our names when we are born."
"But you can change it later right?"
"Right, and then there are those who change their last names."
"Indeed, women change their last names once they get married; however this trend is changing especially in the West."
"Right, did you know in Germany the man can change his last name to that of his wife? I am not sure this rule is still possible but I know of one case where the guy opted for his wife's last name."
"In Spain, a child takes on the last names of both parents and I think the father's last name is the middle name while the mother's is the last name."
"So tell me what brought on this conversation?"
"Maryam who at first took on her husband's first name as her last name, that happens in Pakistan, and now has reverted back to her last name at birth..."
"That's because she reckons it will give her an edge in politics and if her ambition to lead the party comes to fruition then there would be no need to change the party's name from PML-N to PML-S. But where was Mr S during the iftar dinner given by Bilawal. I mean we were all told he attended with his wife but somehow he was not visible."
"You should appreciate the retired Captain for having so successfully achieved the goal of being truly invisible, a goal that has eluded scientists for centuries."
"Don't be facetious, oh and speaking of scientists Fawad Chaudhry says Eid will be after 29 fasts."
"Don't be silly; religion and science don't go together, not in this country at least...Besides you are so not with it! S after PML may be mistaken for Uncle Shahbaz, not Safdar, besides that party prefers first names so she would want PML-M."
"I stand corrected but anyway Maryam must thank Zardari sahib for the idea of taking on a name that would help her in politics. I mean after the assassination of his wife he added the Bhutto name as the middle name for all three of his children, the last name remained Zardari and that was important to him."
"Right and that is why when the two parties leadership refers to The Khan as Imran Niazi they reckon they have undermined him somehow."
"But they have you know, I heard that The Khan has issued some direction or notification that he must be referred to as Imran Khan in all official documents and the reason is that his passport says Niazi but he has been known by the last name of Khan for so long and I think the reason is not that he prefers Khan to Niazi just that the world of cricket knew him as Imran Khan..."
"Oh dear, so speaketh a Khanzadeh."

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