Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar on Wednesday said the governance model of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) is based on the concept of "Riasat-e-Madina."
Inaugurating the newly-constructed shelter home near the railway station, here on Wednesday, the CM said that Prime Minister Imran Khan presented the concept of shelter homes for the needy and homeless people who are constrained to sleep in the open because of abject poverty.
He said the government is heading towards the completion of another promise of providing shelter to the impecunious strata as per vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan.
The CM maintained that shelter homes will also be set up at divisional headquarters from next financial year and in the next phase, shelter homes will be established at the level of districts.
Shelter homes will be fully functional for the attendants in six major hospitals of Lahore from next financial year, he said. These shelter homes will be constructed by the philanthropists.
According to him, shelter home is an institution, which not only provides free of cost residential and food facilities but protection and treatment of inmates are also ensured. There is no example of setting up such a unique institution at the government level in the past.
In accordance with the vision of PM, construction of five shelter homes was started in Lahore in November last year and with the grace of Almighty Allah; the construction of buildings has been completed now, the CM said, adding: "More than 800 hapless people will be provided residential facility every day along with the provision of the facility of breakfast and dinner."
He said that more than 30 thousand people stayed in the temporary shelter homes set up at Thokar Niaz Baig, bus stand, railway station, fruit market and Data Darbar in a short span of five months. He said that the board of governors has been constituted, to maintain and run the shelter homes.
Gohar Ijaz, who is a known philanthropist, has been chosen as the head of the board of governors. He thanked the philanthropists for extending support for the establishment of shelter homes.
Provincial Minister Social Welfare Ajmal Cheema and convener board of governors Gohar Ijaz also spoke on the occasion.
The CM was also given a briefing about the project of the construction of shelter homes in Lahore. Provincial Ministers Dr Yasmin Rashid, Aslam Iqbal, Commissioner Lahore, vice chairman LDA, secretary information and people from different walks of life attended the ceremony. Moreover, Sardar Usman Buzdar has condoled the death of former Justice Supreme Court of Pakistan Justice Jamsheed Ali Shah.