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PM's Office, law ministry say foreign assets detected, action taken

03 Jun, 2019

There was a dire need to put into place an effective mechanism whereby foreign assets of Pakistanis were detected and an action taken strictly in accordance with law. In consequence of the afore-stated and also in view of the public demand so as to bring back the unlawful wealth back to Pakistan, the Prime Minister Imran Khan, immediately upon taking oath of office, established an Assets Recovery Unit in the Prime Minister's Office with full support from all the relevant Government Departments.
2. The Assets Recovery Unit of the Prime Minister's Office had worked relentlessly with a view to achieve the afore-stated task
3. In the course of its official duties, the Assets Recovery Unit of the Prime Minister's Office detects properties of Pakistanis abroad and reports them to the respective Departments. Collaterally, the Assets Recoveiy Unit of the Prime Minister's Office also receives complaints with regard to existence of properties of Pakistanis abroad and once any complaint is received, the Assets Recovery Unit of the Prime Minister's Office is duty bound to take an appropriate action.
4. In the backdrop as aforesaid, the Assets Recovery Unit of the Prime Minister's Office received a complaint/information in respect of the foreign properties of three learned Judges. Under the Rules of Business, 1973 the matter pertaining to Judges fall under the umbrella of the Federal Ministry of Law and Justice. Hence the complaint/information was placed before the Ministry of Law and Justice for appropriate action.
5. Upon receiving the aforesaid, the Ministry of Law and Justice directed the Assets Recovery Unit of the Prime Minister's Office, which also acts in collaboration with other Government Department/ Jnstitution such as the FBR, NAB and FIA etc., to verify the contents of the complaint, clearly suggesting that action, if any, would only be taken once authentic verification was received. Accordingly, the Assets Recovery Unit of the Prime Minister's Office conducted verification and was able to receive certified copies from the land registries of the relevant assets, which were duly attested by the High Commission of Pakistan in the United Kingdom and notarized in the London. This information was laid before the Supreme Judicial Council, in terms of two references duly concurred upon by the learned Attorney-General for Pakistan, their Excellencies the Prime Minister and the President of Pakistan, strictly in terms of the law and the Constitution, in particular Article 209 of the Constitution.
6. Once having received the complaint/information in question, had the Assets Recovery Unit of the Prime Minister's Office, the learned Attorney-General for Pakistan, the Ministry of Law and Justice and their Excellencies the Prime Minister and President of Pakistan omitted to lay the said information before the Supreme Judicial Council, they would have alleged to have derelicted their duties.
7. The Assets Recovery Unit of the Prime Minister's Office, the Ministry of Law and Justice and their Excellencies the Prime Minister and the President of Pakistan reiterate their commitment to uphold the law and the Constitution with emphasis to keep the judiciary of Pakistan in the highest esteem.-PR

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